
Danish Trains Halted Through Cyberattack

Ransomware on Suppliers’ Servers Halts Trains Trains ground to a halt in Denmark on Oct. 29, 2022. Not through strike action, but because of a cyberattack. Attacks against critical infrastructure are not new. In the United States, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) recently issued a new directive with the aim of improving the cybersecurity of railroad operations. Attacks against critical infrastructure such as railways are almost always carried out by Advanced Persistent Threat groups, the state-sponsored cyber-offensive wings of governments.

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Pirated Software Leads to Ransomware Attack

Student Downloads Pirated Software and Infects COVID-19 Research Institute A research student working at a European biomolecular research institute wanted to obtain copy of the software he used at the Institute for his personal use. The cost of a license proved too much for the students budget, so he asked on an online forum if there was a way he could get a cracked copy of the software. That is, one that has been modified by cybercriminals so that licensing is bypassed.

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FBI Warns US Hospitals About Ransomware

FBI: US healthcare system facing “increased and imminent” threat of attack The FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Department of Health and Human Services warned that they had “credible information of an increased and imminent cybercrime threat to US hospitals and healthcare providers”. The attacks are ransomware attacks using the Ryuk ransomware strain. They suspect Russian-speaking threat actors are behind the attacks, which are believed to be financially, not politically, motivated.

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Negligent Homicide in German Hospital Cyberattack

German Police Probe ‘Negligent Homicide’ in Hospital Cyberattack A ransomware attack on a German hospital is under investigation as a cybercrime, obviously, but it is also being investigated from a potential homicide viewpoint. The ransomware attack delayed treatment for a female patient that led to her death, a state Justice Ministry has suggested. The patient was scheduled to undergo life-saving treatment at the Düsseldorf University Clinic but a ransomware attack against about 30 servers forced emergency services to redirect ambulances to a different hospital in Wuppertal, about 60 Km away.

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No More Ransom

Garmin Hit by WastedLocker Ransomware Garmin has been hit by a four day outage due to a ransomware attack. Today it was announced that Garmin have obtained the decryption key, although how has not been revealed. Perhaps they paid the ransom, although the US Treasury placed sanctions against the probable culprits, EvilCorp, making it illegal to pay them a ransom. Ransomware is a type of malware that infects victims’ computers and encrypts their data.

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